The Tribune’s top-10 most read Op-Eds of the 2017-2018 school year

Editor’s note: The McGill Tribune compiled a list of the top-10 most read Opinion articles of the 2017-18 year, reflecting, among other things, a year of controversial Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) action, growing discussion around the pervasiveness of sexual assault on university campuses and beyond, and continued criticism of[Read More…]


If you ask someone what a “softboy” is, they either know exactly what you mean, or they have no idea.   When I asked Dylan Adamson,  U2 Cultural Studies, to define the term, he rattled off a list of weirdly specific, seemingly unrelated qualities.   “He talks about feminism a[Read More…]

SSMU Legislative Council votes against endorsing Daily Publications Society

At its Nov. 2 meeting, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council voted against endorsing the Daily Publications Society’s (DPS) upcoming existence referendum. Additionally, Vice-President (VP) External Connor Spencer and three faculty representatives moved for a special extension of the Fall 2017 referendum period. The Council also passed[Read More…]

Advice to our younger selves: What we wish we had known

Regardless of how far you’ve travelled, coming to McGill is a huge adventure to embark on. Your first year is chance to reinvent yourself and push your boundaries. Try to look at each experience as an opportunity to learn more about yourself–the more experiences you have, the more you’ll grow.

SSMU Election 2017: VP Operations

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Vice-President (VP) Operations is responsible for managing the SSMU building, operations including Gerts Bar and Sadie’s, and overseeing SSMU’s sustainability efforts. Anuradha Mallik is the only student running for election as VP Operations. Her platform includes reviewing SSMU’s unethical and unsustainable investments, continuing[Read More…]

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