Montreal’s Inter-Tribal Youth Centre closes indefinitely

The Inter-Tribal Youth Centre (ITYC) was closed indefinitely on Friday, March 30 due to funding shortages. The ITYC was located in the basement of its parent organisation, the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal (NFCM), and together they constituted the frontline in sheltering Montreal’s urban aboriginal community.  The ITYC was the only aboriginal centre available in Montreal to[Read More…]

Montreal’s Inter-Tribal Youth Centre closes indefinitely

The Inter-Tribal Youth Centre (ITYC) was closed indefinitely on Friday, March 30 due to funding shortages. The ITYC was located in the basement of its parent organisation, the Native Friendship Centre of Montreal (NFCM), and together they constituted the frontline in sheltering Montreal’s urban aboriginal community.  The ITYC was the[Read More…]

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