Consumerism is a curse! There’s nothing like choice paralysis, a phenomenon exemplified by the feeling of standing in the sexual health aisle of Pharmaprix and staring at the vast lube section: Water-based, silicone-based, massage oils, and more. Here, The McGill Tribune breaks down which ones are condom-compatible, safe for use[Read More…]
Search Results for author "Margaret Askey"
Sex and Self hosts a talk on institutionalized racism in healthcare
On Feb. 13, Sex and Self, a McGill-based sexual education organization, hosted a virtual panel titled “Institutionalized Racism in Healthcare” as a part of their “Facing the Facts” event series. The panel included Tanya Bass, a self-described “Southern Sexologist” with experience in the fields of reproductive health, HIV/AIDS and sexually[Read More…]
Divest McGill presents progress on Metro Inc. boycott at SSMU Legislative Council
Three student groups presented the missions of their respective organizations at the Jan. 14 Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Legislative Council meeting. Divest McGill shared their ongoing boycott campaign to pressure McGill’s Board of Governors (BoG) to divest from the top 200 fossil fuel companies, McGill Students for Peace[Read More…]
McGill Senate responds to petition for extended winter break
Jules Barbe, U2 Arts & Science, shared a document authored by Elle Bremmer, U3 Arts, titled “Petition for an Extended Winter Holiday,” on Nov. 10, asking the administration to consider extending the current 12-day break. Since then, the petition has garnered over 9,000 signatures. During a Nov. 18 Senate meeting,[Read More…]
Sex & Self webinar discusses pleasure during a pandemic
The non-profit national organization Sex & Self hosted a webinar on Nov. 1 to discuss a myriad of topics including sex, masturbation, contraception, relationships, sexuality, gender identity, and dating responsibly during COVID-19. The seminar was moderated by Sex & Self’s founder and president, Felicia Gisondi. The panel featured Jessica-Marie Tsounis-Barone,[Read More…]
The highs and lows of plant parenthood
With Halloween now behind us and orange leaves beginning to choke up gutters around Montreal, students may be looking for ways to keep seasonal mood swings at bay. Houseplants are one affordable, easy-to-maintain, and fulfilling avenue to brighten any living space. Described by her friends as a “plant mom,” Shrabani[Read More…]
PGSS panel argues for a fossil-free future for McGill
On Sept. 23, the Post Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) and their Environment Committee hosted an online discussion and panel titled “Divestment from Fossil Fuels at McGill.” The panel presented arguments in favour of McGill divesting from fossil fuels, examined what divestment might look like, and delved into the broader implications[Read More…]
Renaming of men’s varsity teams delayed indefinitely
Following the McGill administration’s decision to change the name of the varsity mens’ teams in April 2019, the Steering Committee assigned to find a new name for the teams by August 2020 has seen their work delayed due to COVID-19. Following Indigenous-led student activism, McGill Principal and Vice-Chancellor Suzanne Fortier[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: Accessing McGill’s remote mental health services
As students find their footing for the Fall semester, many may be wondering how to access mental health support through the university. If you read the emails sent out regularly by Fabrice Labeau, Deputy Provost (Student Life & Learning), you have no doubt heard of Keep.meSAFE, the digital therapy resource[Read More…]
McGill commemorates the 2017 Quebec City mosque shooting
McGill’s Associate Provost (Equity and Academic Policies) Angela Campbell, the Institute of Islamic Studies, and the Muslim Students Association (MSA) held a commemoration event for the victims of the 2017 Quebec City Mosque shooting on Jan. 29, exactly three years after the incident. The ceremony began with an introduction by[Read More…]