Staff Producer Tony Wang decides to take on a new challenge: stand up comedy! Tony explores the world of comedy at McGill, and takes the kind of risk that we too often avoid and should more often embrace!
Search Results for author "Tony Wang"
SSMU Who | Episode 2: What do they do?
SSMU Who…? Wait…WHAT do they do? The Multimedia team sets up camp in the SSMU offices to ask the various executives about their portfolios, and their current initiatives. It’s time to find out exactly SSMU do.
SSMU Who? | Episode 1: What is SSMU?
In the first episode of our SSMU Series, Keating Reid investigates what the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) is and does.
Tribune Presents: Ivytide
The Tribune team sits down with the boys from Ivytide to hear a couple tracks off their new EP!