Wintersleep: Hello Hum

Although the Juno award-winning Wintersleep has been lauded as having released ‘the album of their career’ with Hello Hum, not much has changed from their previous work. The band brought producer Dave Fridmann (Flaming Lips; MGMT) aboard for their fifth full-length album, although his presence is not especially noticeable. With[Read More…]

Will Ferrell makes his return en español If the idea of Will Ferrell in a Spanish movie isn’t enough to pique one’s curiosity, how about an 84-minute spoof of Mexican drug cartels, soap operas, and foreign drama, all while breaking down the fourth wall between actor and audience? Casa de Mi Padre is a film about[Read More…]

Fred: Leaving My Empire

Producer Howard Bilerman (Arcade Fire, Wolf Parade) has left his mark on this five-piece alternative band’s most recent album, Leaving My Empire, for better or for worse. He possesses an impressive ability to make the band sound like they are walking a fine line between melancholy and joy, a talent[Read More…]

Foxy Shazam: The Church of Rock and Roll

Creating seemingly outdated music may seem like a lost cause in today’s world of music, but Foxy Shazam are skipping down the perfect path with their latest release of authentic and emotional rock music. Their electric fourth studio album, The Church of Rock and Roll, has everything a great album[Read More…]

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