Nostalgia, commodified

On Oct. 12, Nintendo released Pokémon X and Y for its newest portable platform, the 3DS. The game, the Pokémon franchise’s first foray  into a platform with completely 3D polygonal graphics, sold four million copies worldwide in two days since its release. Pokémon X and Y is a big break[Read More…]

Whitney Pang (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

What the disputed islands represent

Last month, South Korea began its largest national ban on Japanese goods in history. The ban comes in response to the Japanese government’s Feb. 22 celebration of Takeshima Day, commemorating Japan’s acquisition of the disputed islands in the Sea of Japan through the 1952 Treaty of San Francisco. All in[Read More…]

Whitney Pang (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

Why can’t boys like cartoon ponies?

The season three finale of Hasbro’s animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic aired earlier this month.  The children’s show has attracted an unexpected adult male fan base called “bronies,” a phenomenon that has garnered attention and sparked much gender-based debate.  A long history of gender-exclusive children’s programming has[Read More…]

A defence of the arts

Last week, the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) held “Work your BA Week” to orient soon-to-be graduates on their prospects after graduation. In contrast with other majors such as education, engineering or nursing which are occupation-based, the notion of being an “arts” student is often overcast with ambiguity, since there is[Read More…]

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