a, Arts & Entertainment

The Trib’s March Playlist

Burial: “Loner”

Understated dubstep with kaleidoscopic synth-melodies and enough bass to keep you moving. Builds into and out of silent moments, keeping the track focused and uplifting.

Porcelain Raft: “Put Me to Sleep”

Soothing beats and bright, airy vocals. It satisfies but doesn’t overpower.

Talk Talk: “Taphead”

A carefully constructed lament that uses horns to heighten the song’s sense of anxiety.

John Coltrane: “Pursuance/Psalm”

If for nothing else, its length could serve as a good reminder when it’s time to pull your eyes away from your textbook.

A Tribe Called Quest: “Push It Along”

The jazzy vibes are addictive even if the message within Q-Tip’s lingo escapes you.

DJ Shadow: “What Does Your Soul Look Like (Part 4)”

The steady drum sample might seem repetitive, but it would be a mistake to dismiss this track as only background noise.

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