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How to banish your hangover

Despite being the joyous, wonderful start to the weekend, Saturday mornings can be the most excruciating part of your week. You may remember what you did the night before, and why you feel so utterly awful; or worse, you may have no recollection. Never fear, my friends. Next time this pickle comes your way, grab ten bucks, do up your shoe laces (if you managed not to lose them last night), and head on a culinary mission to brighten your morning.

First stop, Middle Eastern food.  It’s called a Shawarma. Pita, hummus, garlic sauce, chicken, pickles, some sort of salad, all combined into a divinely toasted wrap. This meal cures a hangover like nothing else in the world. Forget any pointless shakes or juices your healthy subconscious would persuade you to try; these babies are moist, juicy, greasy, and so satisfying, that your hangover will simply melt away.

What if hummus is not your thing? What if the presence of lettuce and tomato is just ‘too healthy’ to assist your stubborn, growling stomach? Maybe you would be better off embracing any fragment of French within you by seeking out a crêpe. Like the Shawarma, these are little lifesavers wrapped in paper and easily eaten on the run. However, one difficulty involved needs to be mentioned: should you go as large as the Eiffel Tower itself and order one stocked with eggs, cheese, ham or a combination of those? On the other end of the spectrum, your stomach might be more inclined to head down the strawberries and Nutella track. I shall leave that one up to you. Either way, they both rank equally in the feel-good stakes.

Now for my third recommendation. What is that I hear you chanting? ‘Poutine, poutine, POUTINE!’ While poutine is a popular hangover cure, I cannot condone it or recommend it. I simply like my fries crispy, not drowning in gravy, and I stand by my beliefs.

So let us return to the calorie-laden delights that we can all enjoy. When you are slapped with a hangover—the slap being self-served—let’s be honest, there are two little guys who will always be there for you: one is named Ben, and the other Jerry.  This chilled dessert is probably not the first thing that comes to mind with the post-beer cravings hit—it’s more traditionally associated with the post-break-up funk—but it does not disappoint. With an already scrumptious base of creamy ice cream, and additions such as cookie dough, chocolate chips, nuts and bits of cake batter, one is guaranteed to feel on top of the world after this indulgence.

Use this short list the next time your morning begins with no dignity, no memory, and no food in the house. Good luck on your next culinary quest to combat the booze-induced blues.

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