a, Arts & Entertainment, Music

Golden Boy: Blue Swan Orchestra

Blue Swan Orchestra is the re-release of the Golden Boy’s 2003 debut album, and their latest since 2011’s Sleepwalker. The soft-rock/indie-pop band’s re-mastered album also features two bonus tracks, “Blind” and “Windows.”  The album’s greatest strength is the blend of the familiar sounds of indie and pop with uniquely evoking lyrical timbres. On the whole, it’s great easy-listening material with some truly joyous guitar riffs that you can’t help but tap your toes to.

The opening track, “Wild Was the Night,” with its balanced texture and soft vocals, leads listeners into what promises to be a rewarding record. The following “Babydoll” is one of the songs that make the album worthwhile—its controlled falsetto, cute piano, and background voice samples make this somewhat clumsy song fit well into the overall musical design.

The Blue Swan Orchestra winds down with “Almost Perfect.” It is a simple song with its repetitive guitar riff, droning synth notes, and quirky vocals. There is nothing grandiose about it—yet somehow, it is an almost perfect way to close the album.

Aside from the extra tracks, Blue Swan Orchestra doesn’t provide anything new. The album is a nice gesture towards the fans, but perhaps the time that went into the release would have been better spent  on promoting Golden Boy’s upcoming album, The New Familiar, to be released next month

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