a, Arts & Entertainment

Could Be Good

Theatre: Hamlet

Is your life short on Shakespeare? Fear not! Over the next week and a half, Persephone Productions will be performing Hamlet, perhaps the bard’s most resonant play. If you miss out, you may have to wait for a few decades—the last time Montreal had an English production of Hamlet was 1976.

Hamlet runs at the Calixa-Lavallée Theatre (3819 Calixa-Lavallée), November 1-10, and Victoria Hall (4626 Sherbrooke Street West), November 17-18. Student admission $12.

Film: Masterpieces in 35mm

In the upcoming week, Cinema du Parc revives a set of classic 35mm films. The menu opens with Joseph von Sternberg’s The Blue Angel, which marks his first collaboration with the great Marlene Dietrich. Luis Bunuel’s surrealist masterpieces, Un Chien Andalous and L’Age D’Or follow.

The Blue Angel will be showing November 2-4, at 9:15 p.m. Un Chien Andalous and L’Age D’Or will be showing November 5-7, at 9:15 p.m.

Film: Wine From Here

Fancy a movie and a drink? Look no further than the screening of Wine From Here, a documentary dealing natural Californian wineries, their histories, and their goals. Afterwards, take part in a winegrower-led panel discussion, taste some wine, and sample the canapés.

Catch the one-off showing of Wine From Here next Monday, Nov. 5, at Cinema du Parc. Admission is $20, and includes one movie ticket and wine-tasting.

Audio Art: Lounge

Inspired by 1950s-era Montreal piano bars, Lounge delves into what the act of listening entails. The performance features Seth Horvitz’s “Eight Studies for Automatic Piano,” and Laura Cetilia’s cello.

Lounge takes place at the PHI Centre (407, Saint-Pierre Street), at 9 p.m., November 10. Admission is free with a pass, available at the PHI Centre.

Dance: La Danseuse Malade

After a whirlwind tour of Japan and Indonesia, Jocelyne Montpetit’s La Danseuse Malade is returning to Montreal. Named Best Dance Performance of 2011 by La Presse, Montpetit returns with her exploration of Japanese choreography, or butoh.

La Danseuse Malade will be playing at the Segal Centre for Performing Arts (5170 Chemin de la Côte-Ste-Catherine), on November 8, at 8 p.m. Admission is free. Warning: onstage nudity.

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