a, Arts & Entertainment, Music

The New Familiar: Goldenboy

As the title suggests, The New Familiar delivers on its promise to be everything familiar in a brand new album. Goldenboy, led by vocalist and guitarist Shon Sullivan, have released four albums since first bounding into the spotlight with Blueswan Orchestra a decade ago. Blueswan Orchestra was re-released last month as a warm-up act for The New Familiar—but rather than foreshadow their latest work, it overshadows it.

The New Familiar begins with “The Walking Song,” with vocals blending effortlessly with the development of guitar and drums, suggesting a stylized approach to the remainder of the album. Unfortunately, this prediction rings all too true. “Today is the Day” is too repetitive, coming off as directionless. “Steal Your Face” doesn’t give any respite from the endless abyss of sound with its all-too-frustratingly familiar mix of strumming patterns and instrumentals. While Goldenboy are known for their catchy guitar riffs, what The New Familiar delivers here is too much of a good thing. “Soho’s Empty” feels like a turning point in the album, and along with “Starlight Town,” it is the highlight of the 40 minutes.  “Starlight Town” is a clever combination of sound and lyrics and, like “Soho’s Empty,” refreshingly axes the repeat signs, adding a bit of contrast.

The New Familiar does not lack musicality or sensitivity; it lacks direction. Undoubtedly, Goldenboy is sticking to what they know best. This is a band with a great sound, but it is time for a change. Give me Blueswan Orchestra any day.

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