
Letter to the Editor

The Plate Club would not exist if not for QPIRG. From our humble beginnings hand-washing in 2007 to today’s solid collective complete with an incredibly hygienic dishwasher (SSMU Best New Club 2008, now a full SSMU service), we have maintained the original mandate of QPIRG/Greening McGill’s reusable plate initiative to reduce styrofoam waste through our daily lunch service, lending reusable plates in the SSMU cafe, and through event rentals, which give students organizing events free access to our inventory.

But our QPIRG-funded history is not the only reason why the Plate Club wholeheartedly supports QPIRG McGill’s referendum. QPIRG’s consistent support for environmental justice initiatives has been a source of inspiration and support for us as we put in long hours at the dishwasher. Plus, we can thank Rad Frosh for leading many members and supporters to involvement in sustainability at McGill at all, and QPIRG events always remember to green their events by using our service.

We are excited to see what other innovative and successful seeds future working group initiatives will plant. Voting “YES” ensures new voices can be heard, powerful lasting initiatives can start, essential student services can grow, a whole world of ideas can inspire and your community, from the Plate Club to all of McGill, Montreal and beyond  will be stronger because of it.

Check out theplateclub.blogspot.com for more information about what we do, and qpirgyes.ca for more about the referendum. Remember to vote Yes to QPIRG McGill’s right to exist.


—The Plate Club (a SSMU service) executive, 2011-2012

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