Know Your Athlete, Sports

Know Your Athlete: Caroline Crossley

Having recently returned to Canadian soil one Olympic silver medal richer, Caroline Crossley was a prominent member of the Canadian Women’s Rugby Team at the 2024 Paris Olympics. As an incoming student in the Faculty of Law, she has had to balance a demanding curriculum with her international athletic commitments. 

Like many McGill athletes, Crossley’s love for rugby began at a young age. She was encouraged by her friends to join a local team. The lack of girls’ teams at local clubs meant Caroline and her peers had no choice but to play for the boys’ team as her introduction to the sport. As rugby grew in popularity, Crossley played a pivotal role in establishing women’s programs at her local club and high school with the help of her father, David Crossley, who organized the first girls’ team at their local rugby club. Within four years of organizing the team at her club, Crossley’s exceptional talent caught the attention of the Canadian national team, leading to her selection for the Canadian national sevens team at just 16 years old.

“It was really easy to have role models, they definitely helped me find confidence in the sport,” Crossley said in an interview with //The Tribune// on the impact of being surrounded by so many high-performance woman athletes. 

Crossley is excited to transfer her confidence on the field into the classroom. With aspirations to juggle a rigorous law school schedule with international rugby competitions, it will be no small task. Crossley candidly discussed the challenges she faces, including time management, the anticipation of her academic pressures, and the physical demands of both pursuits. However, she remains optimistic about her ability to excel in both realms.

“It’s a constant balancing act, but I’ve learned to prioritize and make the most of every opportunity,” Crossley said. “I think my whole life I’ve been balancing a thousand things, like when I was in high school, I was travelling internationally and trying to keep up with high school. I’ve taken courses all throughout my national team career and had to balance those things.”

Despite the challenges of juggling life off the field with her athletics, Crossley’s dedication and determination are propelling her to new heights. Competing in the Paris Olympics was a dream come true for her. 

“We weren’t sharing the stadium with the men, like we had our full weekend to ourselves, and we had almost 70,000 people watching us [in a] sold-out stadium at our quarterfinal. And I was like ‘Oh, my God, all these people are here to watch us,’” she said. “It was definitely a full circle moment for me, because I honestly never thought that that would be a reality within my lifetime.” 

Looking ahead, Caroline expressed her desire to continue playing rugby while pursuing her law degree. She emphasized the importance of exploring various career paths and building a well-rounded identity beyond her athletic achievements, to develop herself in a more holistic and professional manner. 

“I think for me, I [am] actually kind of excited to shed my athlete identity a little bit coming into law school, because it’s just something so different,” Crossley said. “I am very ready in my life to pursue other passions. I love rugby, but I’m not one of those athletes that’s like, this is my be-all, end-all, and I’m going to stay in the sport as long as I can.” 

Crossley is a strong advocate for gender equality in rugby and within the sporting world, having witnessed firsthand the strides made in recent years. However, she acknowledges that challenges persist, emphasizing the need for continued support and investment in women’s athletics. 

“It’s incredibly inspiring to see the growth of women’s sports, but we still have a long way to go to ensure that young girls have equal opportunities to pursue their athletic dreams,” she said.

Crossley’s journey from grassroots rugby to the global stage is a testament to her unwavering dedication and exceptional talent. As a woman athlete navigating a sport dominated by men, she has faced unique barriers. Despite these challenges, her perseverance and leadership have been instrumental in fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment for women in rugby.

Beyond her athletic achievements, Crossley’s commitment to academic excellence and personal growth is equally inspiring. Her ability to balance demanding law school coursework with international competitions demonstrates her remarkable determination and resilience. As she continues to break down barriers and inspire the next generation of woman athletes, Caroline Crossley’s future is undoubtedly bright.

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