Horoscopes, Student Life

The Tribune Predicts: Fall horoscopes

With sweater weather in full swing and a pumpkin spice latte in hand, it’s time to hunker down in a library until it’s spring again. While you’re hibernating, check out The Tribune’s predictions to round off the end of 2024. In this edition, we’re doing “ins and outs” for each sign.

Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19): Whether your favourite scent is cranberry or maple wood, head to the nearest home goods store before a seasonal cold steals your sense of smell! Self-care is in, and agendas are out! All of your tasks and meetings can float into the void—that peace of mind is the best self-care of them all. In: Warm sheets, baking, scented candles. Out: To-do lists.

Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20): This season is about relaxation and renewal. Try to take advantage of the nice weather and get some well-needed rest! In: Group texts, evening naps, aimless strolls. Out: Superlatives, cold water, wardrobe meltdowns.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21): With Mercury going into retrograde in November, it’s time to delve into your own identity. In: Personality tests, listening to new music genres, blind dates. Out: Permanent markers, repetition, monologuing.

Cancer (June 22 – Jul. 22): Have you been feeling optimistic lately? Keep that contentment flowing with journaling. This fall and Thanksgiving, list everything you’re grateful for. In: Meditation, follow-up texts after a hangout. Out: Assumptions, “if ykyk.”

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22): Fall is the perfect time for you to dive into your passion projects. Whether you’re starting something you’ve always thought about doing, or finishing something on the shelf, it will get done before 2025. In: Minimalism, bedroom deep-cleans, screen-time restrictions. Out: Multitasking, Zoom meetings, people pleasing.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22): Your ruling planet will enter the house of relationships this November! Whether you’re in a relationship, seeking one, or just don’t care at all, your connections with others will be reinvigorated. In: Semi-formal, fragrantica.com, manifestation. Out: Ghosting, playing it by ear, instant gratification.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 23): Happy birthday Libras! This season—and year—don’t be afraid to get a little weird. Indulge in all the strange things that bring you joy, even if that means biking to the US/Canada border for a Carnival scunt. In: Mismatched clothes, spontaneity, fortune cookies. Out: Traditions, nostalgia, soft launch.

Scorpio (Oct. 24 – Nov. 21): It’s time to face some things that may have been bothering you for a while. Before your birthday season is up, tidy all the loose ends and resolve some grudges that are weighing you down. In: Cold calls, little treats, dinner parties. Out: Overthinking, revenge, “do not disturb”.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): This semester is about making new connections. Send those LinkedIn requests to your highschool best friend’s cousin’s boyfriend; everything is on the table. In: Applying for club executive positions, networking events, knowing your neighbour. Out: Bedrotting, celebrity culture, playing hard to get.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): A major professional opportunity is around the corner, but you already knew that, didn’t you? Take this opportunity to get some rest. In: Penpals, 10+ picture photo dumps, manifestation. Out: Crying wolf, less than seven hours of sleep, business casual.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): Thinking about booking that trip for Christmas break? Wanderlust is fueling you right now, so switch things up and broaden your horizons. In: The unexpected, new shoes, going off-the-grid. Out: Imposter syndrome, hometowns, the word “delulu.”
Pisces (Feb. 19 – Mar. 20): Confide in your friends about the things on your mind, or branch out! You might realize someone you know is more similar to you than meets the eye. In: Double-takes, coffee dates, talking to your TA. Out: “Situationships”, FOMO, keeping up with people you don’t like.

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