I read with interest your editorial regarding union tactics, and I must say I am surprised you got the position you are in. Did you check your facts? Are you just repeating ad naseum what you have been told by the administration?
Has McGill provided you with proof that these indescretions did in fact occur?
Are you going to also blame MUNACA for the walkouts at the hospital site today and yesterday? Because it is a FACT that they had nothing to do with it.
Is it right to have someone arrested—someone who is herself an alumnus—for distributing flyers? I don’t believe anyone was harassed, has had things thrown at them, has defaced property, because if these things had happened, you can be sure more people would be arrested. McGill is playing hardball.
Childish tactics? What would you do if all your rights had been taken away from you? If your place of employment imposes injunctions which completely destroyed your ability to peacefully demonstrate—and all this at a university—higher education—freedom of speech. Try investigating before writing.
Donna Cormier
A disgruntled employee who is not a member of MUNACA