Both candidates for the VP clubs and services position are well-qualified and demonstrate the necessary requirements for the position. Ultimately, however, we have more confidence in Monika Fabian, and endorse her for the role.
Fabian spent the past year as SSMU interest groups coordinator, a position that has traditionally, though not always, been a useful stepping-stone to VP clubs and services. While being IGC does not necessarily mean a candidate will make a capable VP, Fabian has demonstrated good time-management skills and strong commitment to the job. She has worked intimately with many clubs and services at McGill and is well aware of the diversity of their respective needs. She has a broad sense of what comprises the often disparate elements of the McGill community, and has worked extremely hard to promote a sense of school spirit that can be embraced by all. A Fabian vice-presidency would steer the clubs and services portfolio in a less politicized and more unifying direction, an approach the Tribune believes appeals to a broader base of students and would therefore be more successful.
Fabian’s most interesting proposal is to mandate that all SSMU groups reapply for club status every year, in order to avoid inactive groups sapping financial resources. While the motivation behind this idea is sound, we are concerned that if implemented, it will cause unncessary bureaucratic confusion for new club executives. Fabian also wants to run a club executive training session every year to strengthen ties between clubs and SSMU. This would be a significant step towards eliminating the inevitable challenges of turnover and institutional memory faced by almost all club executives. We look forward to seeing this proposal in action.
Carol Fraser, who is involved with Midnight Kitchen, believes her direct experience with a SSMU service will allow her to bring a unique perspective to the portfolio. She also hopes to import some of Midnight Kitchen’s collectivist principles to the SSMU executive, which, she admits, already operates largely non-hierarchically.
We find Fraser’s direct club experience appealing, however, she is less qualified for this specific position. She lacks a familiarity with many aspects of campus life that characterize Fabian’s campaign. Fraser admitedlly has more experience with political groups at McGill, but Fabian has more diverse experience. In addition, since the VP clubs and services often has to deal with divisive political issues, for example the Choose Life saga, it is important that they remain objective in their interactions with these clubs. We are confident that if such an issue arises, Fabian will strike a fair and unbiased position.
Fraser emphasizes correctly that it is important for the VP clubs and services to be approachable and not abrasive. We were disappointed at Fabian’s slightly condescending tone to her opponent in their debate, and hope she will be more accessible to club executives.