Many people describe the VP Internal as a party planner. Do you agree with that statement?
I think that’s how it’s been used in the past, but not how it could be used in the future. We’ve seen a lot of VP Internals focusing on the same events—Frosh, Four Floors, and Faculty Olympics–that are all based around drinking and partying. I think it’s given the VP Internal a bad name because that’s all they seem to be doing.
The Internal should be communicating more to the student body, keeping them aware of what’s happening, what events other clubs are doing, and what services we have at McGill. The way I see the Internal next year is as a service for students, collaborating with the projects of VP External and VP Clubs and Services. The Internal should be not just a party position—they should be doing cultural events, political events, and they should really be encompassing the entire student body.
What’s one thing that Todd’s done really well this year and what’s one thing that you would have done differently?
I think Todd has done a good job with the events that he’s planned. Everything this year has been pretty much successful…. What can be improved? There needs to be more done. Also, I would use the subcommittee differently by having people from various different groups sit in on the subcommittee so that when we’re planning events, we’re getting opinions from different people and not just the same partiers who plan everything.
You ran for this position last year. What makes you a better candidate this year?
So much … I’m happy I ran last year, [because] it helped me learn a lot about the politics, but I’m a lot more experienced now. I’ve worked with a lot of different student groups, and my experience doesn’t just revolve around SSMU. I understand that people want a bit more. I’ve worked with faculties, departments, and clubs, so I understand how they work. I also gained another year of experience with SSMU and worked very closely with Todd on all the events, so I know the Internal’s position very well.
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
I would be Superman because he’s pretty awesome. He has strength and is a support system for everyone.