What experience do you bring to the table?
I have been the VP Finance of my departmental association since January 2011. As recording secretary, I am aware of SSMU’s budget, as presented at council. At Executive Committee meetings, I record the presentation of the financial statements by SSMU’s comptroller on a monthly basis.
What are the most important issues facing the VP Finance and Operations next year?
One of them is definitely the student run cafe because students really want to see this. At the winter GA we saw that students voted to continue the project. It’s really important to put that business plan through and make it happen.
How would you do that?
We’ll have to negotiate with McGill probably about space. We need to hire a manager, one that’s really on top of their stuff so nothing happens like Haven Books. We also need to look for suppliers and things like that.
What are your other goals for next year?
I have a goal for more outreach. I want to reach out to faculty associations, residences, and diverse spaces on campus, to let them know more about funds, because funds have increased this year but a lot of funds, especially the Green Fund, is underused. All of these funds should be used by more diverse groups.
In the debates last night you touched on changes to the mini courses, could you elaborate on that?
It wouldn’t be changes to the existing system, it would be an addition to the existing system with a pay-as-you-go option. I think it would be great to involve clubs and services in this and clubs and services could put on minicourse services. Salseros already does their own sort of course in Gerts and they charge for that. I think that SSMU would be a good way to connect these clubs that have skills to other students that may be interested.
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
My favourite superhero is Iron Man because he came up with his own suit. He was able to figure it all out, work with what he had, and come up with something amazing.