The eighth studio album from Luke Doucet, and the second to feature The White Falcon, Steel City Trawler is an unabashed portrait of the magic in the everyday. The album’s straightforward guitar riffs and upbeat melodies, combined with Doucet’s earnest lyrics, form an enjoyable and thoughtful record.
From start to finish, Doucet coasts through a journey of observations about life, love, and the world around him, presenting his findings earnestly and sometimes ironically. The title of the album pays homage to Doucet’s new home of Hamilton, Ontario. The city’s blue-collar roots are represented in his lyrics, particularly in the song “Thinking People.”
On other tracks like “Dusted” and “The Ballad of Ian Curtis,” Doucet tackles heavier issues: suicide, existential crises, and the creative legacy one leaves behind. But the album is also fun, and Doucet’s humour shines through on “Love and a Steady Hand” and “Dirty Dirty Blonde.” Lyrically, the combination of heavy and light subject matter balances the album, and the themes of introspection and reflection tie the songs together. If you’re looking for an upbeat but grounded album for the onset of cold nights and turning colours, this is the record for you.