Arts & Entertainment

CD REVIEWS: David Myles: Turn Time Off

If the warm weather makes you nostalgic for winter evenings spent curled up by the fire, David Myles new album, Turn Time Off, is for you. As the title suggests, this album is a break from listeners’ busy lives, and it provides a soundtrack to relax and reflect upon oneself.

Dealing mostly with love – or a lack thereof – with songs such as “Out of Love” and “Run Away,” David Myles’ music hits straight to the heart. Many of his songs have a country and folk aspect to them. “Peace of Mind” and “People Don’t Change” conjure up the forests of Nova Scotia, the home province of the artist. Added to these are a few upbeat, lively tunes such as “Gone For Long” and “So Far Away,” which counteract the hypnotic effect of the rest of the album.

With soft music but harsh lyrics, Myles captures the essence of relationships – the kind that are intense and passionate and “turn time off and turn [you] on.” Yet after the initial soothing of the background beat you discover a certain bitterness in the musician, and the final message seems to be one of pain more than one of hope.

Myles’ music style is quite unique, as he sounds jazzy without completely adhering to the genre. Mostly, he is a fusion of jazz, folk, and pop. Turn Time Off flows well, and can easily be listened to in one sitting, giving you the perfect break after a long day.

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