a, Arts & Entertainment, Music

Dwight Yoakum: 3 Pears

For the past 20-odd years, Dwight Yoakam has been writing and singing what he calls “Honky-tonk music.” Honky-tonk indeed: his new album, 3 Pears, released last month, has a distinct ‘bang-that-keyboard, strum-that-guitar’ feel.

3 Pears both is and isn’t a typical country album. While Yoakam’s voice is tinged with Southern flair and follows traditional country motifs (namely, high last notes at the end of each phrase, which admittedly becomes repetitive), the instrumentation is the real stand-out. Somehow, while retaining a country barn feel, electric guitars and a strong rhythm drumming lend themselves to a modern, almost-but-not-quite pop atmosphere. Still, for those who aren’t country aficionados, the songs on 3 Pears may begin to blend together halfway through. While certain numbers like “Take Hold of My Hand” and “Nothing But Love” may make you smile and tap your toes, lyrics like “If I had a big giraffe/he’d have to take a real long bath/and that’s why waterfalls are really neat” will just come off as plain silly. Nevertheless, 3 Pears is an undeniably entertaining listen, regardless of which genre you might prefer. Eventually, you may even find yourself counting Dwight Yoakam among your guilty pleasures.

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