a, Arts & Entertainment

Eva B

South of Sherbrooke, where Saint-Laurent assumes a dingy, morose air, is the home of vintage boutique Eva B. Don’t let its ghastly facade repel you— upon entering the shop’s cozy interior, you’re likely to be welcomed with a cup of warm tea.

Embellished with a wall covered with 25 cent books, hand-made jewelry, and antiques from typewriters to giraffe statuettes, there are few wares that this “Queen of Thrift Stores” lacks.Then, there are the vintage finds—main floor racks are bulging with enough chunky turtlenecks and fuzzy plaid pants to outfit the cast of Fresh Prince. The basement, meanwhile, seats a selection of unique Halloween costumes available to rent for the night.

Eva B’s true highlight however is in its back room: “The Pile.” The Pile is analogous to a child’s bedroom: filled to the brim with clothes, onto which the shopper jumps in (shoeless, of course) from a wooden ladder. The real beauty of the Pile lies neither in the fun of the infinite dig nor in the occasional amusing bikini top. The true joy is the price—any item in the heap can be yours in exchange for a single loonie. You can leave your house with three dollars and return with a sweater, a scarf, and any other treasure you may have unearthed.

With regards to finding the store, abandon any hopes of seeing “Eva B” written anywhere near eye-level. Instead, watch for the colourful, Victorian exterior with a huge sign.

Enjoy the plunge!

—Eva B is located at 2013 Saint-Laurent. 

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