a, Arts & Entertainment, Music

The Zolas: Ancient Mars

Vancouver’s The Zolas take an original approach to indie-pop with their evocative Ancient Mars release. The duo’s sophomore album is full of imaginative lyricism perfect for a fall heartbreak compilation.

Ancient Mars opens up with “In Heaven,” a lackluster jumble of sounds. It’s not that the track itself is disappointing, but it pales beside those to follow. “Knot In My Heart,” which lays punchy, pop vocals over a crackling synth keyboard, is easily the album’s highlight. It mixes modern indie-pop with the age-old theme of lost love, steering clear of its usual clichés. “Ancient Mars” and “Strange Girl” continue on the vein of introspectively assessing past life and love. “Escape Artist” is a smooth interlude right in the middle of the album, without the build-up that characterizes the rest of the songs. Other memorable tracks are “Local Swan,” a slower-paced lament, and the bonus track, “Cultured Man,” which uses snare drums to differentiate itself from typical pop songs.

Ancient Mars feels like a narrative whose consistent theme allows for a cohesive album. The Zolas don’t deliver anything wholly new—there are definitely some 90s influences—but they do bring a unique approach to their sound. Instrumentation and clever lyrics like, “I know you oh so well/since we were 15/so well I feel my joints /when your weather’s shifting” in “Strange Girl” contribute to a brilliant album with only one failing: its ten tracks aren’t nearly enough.

The Zolas will be playing October 17 at Sala Rossa, tickets $18.60

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