Author: Admin

Journalism In Crisis

March 22nd is The Tribune’s annual conference at Thompson House 3650 McTavish Street! Don’t miss out on industry focused panels, a practical workshop, and an inspiring keynote, all for free with catering.

Request for SPVM to investigate McGill security’s alleged assault of AGSEM member still ongoing

On Dec. 11, a member of the Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill (AGSEM) alleges security officers forcibly detained her in the McConnell Engineering Building for taking a picture of armed agents there. Reportedly, the member has yet to receive communication from McGill about recourse. In a written statement[Read More…]

Stepping forward: How technology is improving gait for Parkinson’s and aging adults

The ability to walk is something most people take for granted. But for individuals with Parkinson’s disease and age-related mobility challenges, it can be a daily struggle. Slow, shuffling steps, difficulty maintaining balance, and unstable walking patterns make simple movements feel like obstacles.  Nancy Mayo, a professor at McGill’s School[Read More…]

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