Author: Princess of Mandel

Mourning the loss of Katimavik

Canadian identity has always been elusive; like a tentative adolescent, Canada seems unable to definitively grasp a self-image that resonates. But Canada, I sympathize. At only 21, I am more than familiar with that wrenching internal tension, swinging between the desire to conform while desperately seeking my own niche.  Luckily[Read More…]

The Pedneault Affair: Why motion to censure was a bad call

Last Thursday, March 29, a motion was submitted to SSMU council proposing to censure SSMU’s VP External, JoÃl Pedneault.  The motion, moved by nine council members, only narrowly failed to pass, with  a vote of 11 for, 11 against, and one abstention.  The Tribune believes the nine movers of the[Read More…]

Fighting for Internet freedom on two fronts

Never mind that public opposition shut down internet regulation laws SOPA and PIPA in the United States. Never mind that protestors in the European Union managed to delay the progress of their version, ACTA, through the courts so that (knowing European bureaucracy) the law may never in fact be enacted.[Read More…]

McGillLeaks are not worth a legal crusade

Last month the anonymous group “McGillLeaks” published confidential documents from McGill’s office of Development and Alumni Relations. The administration has been seriously investigating the leak, even bringing in the police to help. Their response has been aggressive and effective, and the “McGillLeaks” website was quickly taken down. The university’s lawyers[Read More…]

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