Months after the Quebec government’s proposed tuition increases caused many CEGEP students to boycott classes, McGill is facing the need to accommodate over 150 students who were accepted before the cancellation of their CEGEP semester prevented the completion of their previous degree. The student boycott, in response to the Québec[Read More…]
Author: Kegan Chang and Kyle Ng
Josh Redel: President
What have you accomplished this summer? We have finally [finalized] the tenants we have in the second floor cafeteria. We also finished Gerts! The half-million dollar renovations are finally completed. We’re really happy that we could negotiate a new beer contract, and the food at Gerts was also something we[Read More…]
Allison Cooper: VP Clubs & Services
What have you accomplished this summer? I’ve been working on having meetings with all of the services to go through all of their budgets and get them better set up for this year. I’ve also been working on office allocations on the fourth floor. Instead of office moving day—which is[Read More…]
Haley Dinel: VP University Affairs
What have you accomplished this summer? My main goal over the summer was to create new relationships, meeting with a lot of different people around campus. In terms of SSMU, we have a bunch of new policies; for example, a new communications policy that deals with social media. I’m also[Read More…]
Michael Szpejda: VP Internal
What have you accomplished this summer? Organizing frosh. We took a step forward significantly toward the integrated orientation model, in the sense that it was the first year it was truly a cooperative working relationship, not only between all the faculties and SSMU, but also with the First Year Office[Read More…]
Robin Reid-Fraser: VP External
What have you accomplished this summer? Over the summer, it’s been a lot of gathering information and putting out information and keeping track of what’s been going on, particularly around the student movement. We also put a letter together in regards to a potential change in federal policy regarding student[Read More…]
Eva B
South of Sherbrooke, where Saint-Laurent assumes a dingy, morose air, is the home of vintage boutique Eva B. Don’t let its ghastly facade repel you— upon entering the shop’s cozy interior, you’re likely to be welcomed with a cup of warm tea. Embellished with a wall covered with 25 cent[Read More…]
Casa del Popolo
The ‘House of the People,’ or Casa del Popolo as it’s known, is a Montreal community staple you can’t miss. For almost 13 years, it’s been fulfilling a particular set of desires common to the Montreal citizenry: good vegetarian food, good coffee, good liquor, good tunes, and great local art.[Read More…]
Le Cagibi
Locals will proudly inform you (in addition to boldly asserting that Harvard is America’s McGill) that Montreal is Canada’s worthy answer to New York. While the general sentiment is somewhat bucolic, Montreal does hold a few gems that would fit snugly on the ground floor of a refurbished textile factory[Read More…]
Bodybuilders have feelings too
Teddy Bear is a study in contrasts. The dissonance between a tattooed, muscle-bound hulk of a man and his utter domination by those thin and frail is a wonder to behold. This is the state in which Dennis, the titular character of Teddy Bear, is introduced: so nervous on his[Read More…]