Author: Kegan Chang and Kyle Ng

McGill Tribune / Alexandra Allaire & Simon Poitrimolt

Josh Redel: President

What have you accomplished this summer? We have finally [finalized] the tenants we have in the second floor cafeteria. We also finished Gerts! The half-million dollar renovations are finally completed. We’re really happy that we could negotiate a new beer contract, and the food at Gerts was also something we[Read More…]

2013 St-Laurent - (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

Eva B

South of Sherbrooke, where Saint-Laurent assumes a dingy, morose air, is the home of vintage boutique Eva B. Don’t let its ghastly facade repel you— upon entering the shop’s cozy interior, you’re likely to be welcomed with a cup of warm tea. Embellished with a wall covered with 25 cent[Read More…]

4873 St Laurent - (

Casa del Popolo

The ‘House of the People,’ or Casa del Popolo as it’s known, is a Montreal community staple you can’t miss. For almost 13 years, it’s been fulfilling a particular set of desires common to the Montreal citizenry: good vegetarian food, good coffee, good liquor, good tunes, and great local art.[Read More…]

5490 St Laurent - (

Le Cagibi

Locals will proudly inform you (in addition to boldly asserting that Harvard is America’s McGill) that Montreal is Canada’s worthy answer to New York. While the general sentiment is somewhat bucolic, Montreal does hold a few gems that would fit snugly on the ground floor of a refurbished textile factory[Read More…]

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