
Around the Water Cooler

In case you were too busy wondering why The Artist had no words,  here’s what you missed this past week in the world of sports … HOCKEY — As the trade deadline looms, the hockey world is abuzz with rumours about who will go where. Two players were at the[Read More…]

Senate discusses James Admin occupation and its causes

The Feb. 15 meeting of McGill’s Senate included discussions on Principal Heather Munroe-Blum’s responses to Dean Jutras’ recommendations regarding the events of Nov. 10 and the administration’s refusal of the CKUT and QPIRG fall referenda results. Closed to the public, the senate meeting appeared to be a response to events[Read More…]

UQAM protest marks start of unlimited student strike

On Feb. 14, approximately 300 student demonstrators marched through McGill’s downtown campus following UQAM’s vote for an unlimited strike. UQAM is one of many universities and CEGEPs in Quebec that have voted to go on an unlimited strike to protest the Quebec government’s plans to increase university tuition fees for[Read More…]

AUS Council votes against creation of strike committee

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune  On Feb. 15, AUS council focused its discussion on issues revolving around the motion to create an AUS strike committee, and the accessible education motion for the AUS to take an official position against tuition increases. Although often close to losing quorum, the semester’s lengthiest[Read More…]

Event addresses McGill’s impact on environment

Victor Temprano / McGill Tribune On Feb. 16, McGill’s Office of Sustainability held the third of four Sustainability XChange sessions, discussing the McGill community’s impact on climate change and ways to reduce its overall carbon emissions. Jerome Conraud, an Energy Manager at McGill, opened the session with a presentation on[Read More…]

Protest against public service privatization turns violent

On the morning of Feb. 16, students and other activists gathered outside the Montreal Stock Exchange to protest the privatization of public services in Quebec, including issues such as rising Hydro Québec prices, healthcare costs, and tuition fees. The protest culminated with police pepper spraying some of the the activists.[Read More…]

Raging Grannies protest Quebec asbestos industry

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune On Feb. 15, a group of Montreal activists called the Raging Grannies staged a singing protest at the Roddick Gates to condemn the asbestos industry’s influence at McGill. The Grannies sang about the harmful effects of asbestos and criticized the use of Canadian taxes to[Read More…]

Mod Squad meeting aims to represent “silent majority”

On Thursday, Feb. 16, the ‘Mod Squad’ formally convened for its first meeting to discuss the need for moderation in the face of rising campus radicalism. A movement initiated through Facebook by Beni Fisch, McKenzie Kibler, Harmon Moon, and Brendan Steven, the Mod Squad aims to work towards the restoration[Read More…]

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