Author: Elisa Muyl & Adam Sadinsky

Orientation Week features “À la carte” events

The orientation week makeover initiated by McGill in the fall of 2011 continued this year, with increased integration of Discover McGill, faculty frosh and events organized by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU). Orientation week also featured a new component of non-alcoholic activities organized by student-run clubs and McGill[Read More…]

McGill Tribune / Alexandra Allaire & Simon Poitrimolt

Josh Redel: President

What have you accomplished this summer? We have finally [finalized] the tenants we have in the second floor cafeteria. We also finished Gerts! The half-million dollar renovations are finally completed. We’re really happy that we could negotiate a new beer contract, and the food at Gerts was also something we[Read More…]

2013 St-Laurent - (Alexandra Allaire / McGill Tribune)

Eva B

South of Sherbrooke, where Saint-Laurent assumes a dingy, morose air, is the home of vintage boutique Eva B. Don’t let its ghastly facade repel you— upon entering the shop’s cozy interior, you’re likely to be welcomed with a cup of warm tea. Embellished with a wall covered with 25 cent[Read More…]

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