Author: Johanu Botha

What the devil is Canada’s status quo?

Let’s imagine that the peculiar universe that is Canadian politics has a referee hulking in the shadows. Careful not to infringe on the Game of the Great North, she—Canada’s ref would naturally reflect anti-gender discrimination policies, and will preferably belong to visible minority—hasn’t called a time-out in decades. But, given[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

The Plate Club would not exist if not for QPIRG. From our humble beginnings hand-washing in 2007 to today’s solid collective complete with an incredibly hygienic dishwasher (SSMU Best New Club 2008, now a full SSMU service), we have maintained the original mandate of QPIRG/Greening McGill’s reusable plate initiative to reduce styrofoam waste through our daily lunch[Read More…]

QPIRG should admit to its mistakes

As an organization that funds many worthwhile causes, I find no fault with the goals and actions of QPIRG as a whole. Where I take exception, rather, is with the duplicity and incoherence with which QPIRG has made, and continues to make, its case regarding opt-outable fees.  In particular, its public statements regarding the constitutionality and[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

The current situation in Queer McGill (QM) is one of corruption and infighting which continues to push the organization further and further towards irrelevance. In Tribune columnist, Abraham Moussako’s article “Safe Space Strife” on March 26, he outlined how I had been dismissed from my position as QM Treasurer due to violations[Read More…]

QPIRG, online GA ratification questions on ref. ballot

Polling for SSMU’s exceptional referendum period opened  on Tuesday, April 10.  The voting period features two referendum questions—one regarding the existence of the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG), and the other concerning the online ratification of motions passed by the SSMU General Assembly (GA). Created following a two-thirds majority[Read More…]

MUNACA and admin prepare to finalize agreement

The McGill University Non-Academic Certified Association (MUNACA) and the McGill administration have resolved the remaining outstanding issue on their collective agreement and are preparing to finalize proceedings. The agreement, ratified by MUNACA’s members on Dec. 5 after months of negotiations, marked the end of the union’s three-month strike last fall. On March[Read More…]

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