Author: Anand Bery

Senate discusses future of education

Last Wednesday’s Senate meeting featured much discussion on improving teaching and learning at McGill, as well as a report from enrolment services on recruitment and retention. While the meeting was closed to outside observers other than members of the campus media and incoming senators, the proceedings were made available to[Read More…]

Summit gathers student input on student-run café

Following the SSMU Student-Run Café Competition Expo on March 14, SSMU’s Strategic Summit last Friday, March 23 addressed issues surrounding the student-run café, set to launch in September 2013.  In this preliminary phase, the planning committee primarily aimed to continue gathering as many ideas from students as possible to ensure[Read More…]

Student assemblies discuss possibility of strike

    French Literature (one day strike) Thirty-one students from the French literature department gathered in the Arts Building on Tuesday, March 20, and voted on a one-day strike for the province-wide protest on Thursday, March 22. The motion passed with a near unanimous majority-30 students for, and one against. This[Read More…]

SSMU hosts competition for student-run café

The Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) Sustainability Case Competition Expo took place on Wednesday, March 14, in the SSMU ballroom, where six teams showcased their designs for the upcoming construction of a sustainable student-run café. After two rounds of rigorous competition, students voted on their favourite design, with a panel[Read More…]

SSMU Council discusses AUS GA

Last Thursday’s Students’ Society of McGill University’s (SSMU) legislative council opened with a discussion of the SSMU executives’ open letter to the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS), which addressed the poor organization and communication before and during the AUS General Assembly (GA) last Tuesday. The letter, published online in the McGill[Read More…]

Exceptional referendum to decide QPIRG’s existence

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) will host an exceptional referendum period from  April 10 to April 16, featuring a question regarding QPIRG’s existence and a question that would require motions passed at General Assemblies (GAs) to be ratified online via referendum.   QPIRG’s Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), a[Read More…]

Around the Water Cooler

In case you were busy signing the greatest free agent in NFL history, here’s what you missed this week in the world of sports… NCAA BASKETBALL – March Madness kicked off this past Thursday to the delight of both basketball fans and bored office workers, and in typical fashion, it[Read More…]

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