Author: Carolina Millán Ronchetti & Erica Friesen

Three exhibits open at Museum of Contemporary Art

“Three grand artists, one shockwave” was the slogan at the opening of the new art exposition last Wednesday at the Museum of Contemporary Art. The title couldn’t be more fitting, as the works of Valérie Blass, Ghada Amer, and Wangechi Mutu impose an impressive presense, showcasing their latest masterpieces in[Read More…]

Steve Gates: A Bee In Her Mouth

In the search for new music, I somehow always find myself drawn towards those artists that hail from the East Coast. It’s a fertile scene with many talented musicians, and Steve Gates’ debut record, A Bee in Her Mouth, is no exception. The album is full of collaborations with other[Read More…]

Judicial Board reinstated despite legal concerns

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune Last Thursday, the SSMU Board of Directors (BoD) voted to immediately reinstate the Judicial Board (J-Board) in order to conclude the J-Board’s upcoming hearing as soon as possible. SSMU will also draft a student referendum question that will bring the J-Board into compliance with Quebec[Read More…]

Summit focuses on student space

Duncan Hood / McGill Tribune Last Friday, approximately 20 students gathered in the Shatner Breakout Room to discuss the future of student space on campus. The summit aimed to determine the meaning of student space and to brainstorm ways for students and staff to improve the quality of under-used space[Read More…]

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