Author: Kaiti O'Shaughnessy

A midterm adventure

Sometimes, during the middle of midterms when one’s diet consists of a problematic number of Tim Horton’s bagels and too much coffee, and the dirty laundry pile is functioning as a chest of drawers, one decides to take a small adventure. A small midterm adventure, to be precise. The small[Read More…]

Confusing questions and unclear mandates

On Thursday morning voting in the Fall Referendum period closes, and in all likelihood the QPIRG-McGill and CKUT referendum questions will pass—as long as quorum is reached. It’s rare for a fee renewal question to fail, as these referenda are more a test of whether a group can mobilize enough[Read More…]

SSMU solicits feedback from students on GA reform

Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune Last week, the SSMU executive held a series of Town Halls to address General Assembly (GA) reform. Under a dozen students attended the Town Halls, which were intended to solicit feedback from and engage students in a discussion on various suggested changes to the GA.[Read More…]

Council votes in MoA, but not Shatner lease

In the early hours of Friday morning, SSMU’s Legislative Council voted on two motions with huge implications for the future of the society. In a confidential session, the council voted in favour of signing a new Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the McGill administration, and voted against accepting the administration’s[Read More…]

To be or not to be Shakespeare?

If Shakespeare didn’t write any of his plays, who did? That’s the scenario of Roland Emmerich’s newest film, Anonymous. The film pits Shakespeare the person against Shakespeare the bard, but barely scratches the surface of the complex history of Shakespeare and his works. Based on the Oxfordian theory of Shakespeare[Read More…]

One senator’s request causes a polarized debate The beaver is thirty-six years into its tenure as Canada’s national emblem, and last week it faced its biggest challenge yet. As Senator Nicole Eaton said in a statement to the Canadian Senate, the beaver is both an outdated symbol and a destructive rodent. She believes we must[Read More…]

One McGill graduate’s fruitful job hunt

Last week, my one-time co-editor at the Tribune, and now full-time friend in real life, wrote about his post-McGill life and argued that McGill really is an amazing place. Something he mentioned, and I’ve been thinking about for the past five months, is that you don’t realize how great it[Read More…]

SSMU hosts Consultation Fair

Last Wednesday, SSMU hosted the inaugural Consultation Fair, a joint effort by SSMU, McGill faculty and administrators, and a number of other members of the McGill community. The fair, initiated by the Working Group on Consultation and Communication, was designed to respond to calls for a more transparent administration and[Read More…]

Students exonerated for protest

McGill students Joel Pedneault and Micha Stettin were exonerated Friday on charges of disrupting university activities due to their involvement in a demonstration in support of MUNACA on Oct. 11. Pedneault, VP External of SSMU, and Stettin, Arts Representative to SSMU, were originally accused of violating two sections of the[Read More…]

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