Author: Colleen McNamara

Bathroom break

After four long years of an abusive relationship with McGill campus public restrooms, it’s time for me to speak out about the frustration, the repulsion, and the anger they have caused me. Too many times have I entered the facilities on the ground floor of Redpath across from the fishbowl[Read More…]

Becoming fond of ski-du-fond

Strolling past the McGill gym window last week was a deeply unsettling experience. The sight of weightlifters was worrying enough, with each lifter solemnly hulking over vast weights, staring themselves down in the mirror for lengths of time that would have impressed Narcissus. But what really disturbed me was the[Read More…]

Office of Sustainability launches Vision 2020 project

This winter, McGill’s Office of Sustainability launched a year-long project, Vision 2020, to ensure sustainability on campus and to promote student participation and awareness in sustainable initiatives. The idea behind this project is that interactive planning and intra-community collaborations will make long-term sustainability more effective and feasible. The project also presents[Read More…]

Lecture addresses benefits of grassroots education

Last Thursday, McGill’s Aboriginal Sustainability Program and the Sauvé Scholars Program hosted a talk by Louellyn White, who discussed her time studying the Akwesasne Freedom School as part of her PhD dissertation. White, who is part Mohawk, is an assistant professor in First People’s studies at Concordia University. In the[Read More…]

AMUSE reaches tentative agreement with admin

On Feb. 22, McGill University and the Association of McGill University Support Employees (AMUSE) announced that they had come to a tentative agreement on both the economic and non-economic issues affecting casual workers at the university. The proposed agreement, which needs to be approved by a ratification vote at AMUSE’s[Read More…]

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