Author: Anand Bery, Kyla Mandel, Elisa Muyl, and Carolina Millán Ronchetti

UPDATE: Riot police respond to tuition hike demonstration on campus

Elisha Lerner Twenty thousand students from all over Quebec gathered on Thursday, Nov. 10 at Place Émile-Gamelin near UQAM to demonstrate against the Quebec government’s proposed tuition increases. The demonstration then made its way up Berri Street at 2:45 p.m., continuing through the streets of Montreal, ending at the McGill[Read More…]

Societies co-host discussion on province’s ties to China

Last Thursday, the Hong Kong Canada Business Association, Junior Division (JHKCBA), Global China Connection McGill (GCC), the Asia Pacific Law Association of McGill (APLAM), and SSMU partnered with the Ministère dudéveloppement économique de l’innovation et de l’exportation (MDEIE) to host a speaker event titled “Quebec’s Venture into China.” The MDEIE, a branch of the Quebec provincial government, exists to promote economic well-being, specifically by[Read More…]

AUS revamps Bar des Arts

Simon Poitrimolt / McGill Tribune Over the last year, Bar des Arts (BdA), run by the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS), has seen a series of changes in policy that have frustrated many students.  Founded in 2007, BdA is a staple service of the AUS, open Thursdays from 4:00 to 9:00[Read More…]

A midterm adventure

Sometimes, during the middle of midterms when one’s diet consists of a problematic number of Tim Horton’s bagels and too much coffee, and the dirty laundry pile is functioning as a chest of drawers, one decides to take a small adventure. A small midterm adventure, to be precise. The small[Read More…]

Confusing questions and unclear mandates

On Thursday morning voting in the Fall Referendum period closes, and in all likelihood the QPIRG-McGill and CKUT referendum questions will pass—as long as quorum is reached. It’s rare for a fee renewal question to fail, as these referenda are more a test of whether a group can mobilize enough[Read More…]

Council votes in MoA, but not Shatner lease

In the early hours of Friday morning, SSMU’s Legislative Council voted on two motions with huge implications for the future of the society. In a confidential session, the council voted in favour of signing a new Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the McGill administration, and voted against accepting the administration’s[Read More…]

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