Oscar Wilde once said, “Life imitates art far more than art imitates
Author: Alex Knoll
Steve Gates: A Bee In Her Mouth
In the search for new music, I somehow always find myself drawn towards those artists that hail from the East Coast. It’s a fertile scene with many talented musicians, and Steve Gates’ debut record, A Bee in Her Mouth, is no exception. The album is full of collaborations with other[Read More…]
Judicial Board reinstated despite legal concerns
Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune Last Thursday, the SSMU Board of Directors (BoD) voted to immediately reinstate the Judicial Board (J-Board) in order to conclude the J-Board’s upcoming hearing as soon as possible. SSMU will also draft a student referendum question that will bring the J-Board into compliance with Quebec[Read More…]
Strike committee creation sparks debate at AUS GA
Sam Reynolds / McGill Tribune The Arts Undergraduate Society held its second General Assembly last Tuesday in the Stewart Biology Building. While the first motion, regarding the recognization of an AUS Strike Committee, was the subject of much debate, the GA lost quorum only minutes before calling the first question.[Read More…]
BoG adjourned due to student disruptions
Last Tuesday, an open session Board of Governors (BoG) meeting scheduled to discuss the Jutras report was adjourned after five minutes due to disruptions from students. The meeting was rescheduled for Feb. 6 and held in a closed session. Following the chair’s opening address, a group of about 20 students[Read More…]
CKUT to hold two questions on winter referendum
Summit focuses on student space
Duncan Hood / McGill Tribune Last Friday, approximately 20 students gathered in the Shatner Breakout Room to discuss the future of student space on campus. The summit aimed to determine the meaning of student space and to brainstorm ways for students and staff to improve the quality of under-used space[Read More…]
Debating Union succeeds at North American Championship
The McGill Debate Union spent the last weekend of January in Toronto competing in the North American Debate Championship alongside teams from Yale, MIT, and Princeton. Bringing six teams and two judges with them, the union enjoyed immense success—with two teams in the main break, or elimination round, two teams[Read More…]
Has McGill apparel gone too far?
On any given day at McGill you can spy an endless range of labels, prints, textures, trends, and styles, giving this campus an eclectic but trendy appearance. You would expect, or at least hope, that McGill apparel would uphold our campus’ fashionable reputation. However, as I have learned over the[Read More…]
Defining Mike Babcock
"Regular" is not a word to describe Mike Babcock. It's the opposite of regular to be the only coach in NHL history to have won an Olympic gold medal, a World Championship gold medal, and a Stanley Cup. In the eyes of professional sports, Mike Babcock is anything but regular.[Read More…]