Author: Tara Richter Smith

Google and I are calling it quits

The new year dawned on me along with a hangover that made me wish it hadn’t. I was uninspired to write any new year’s resolutions while still stuffing my face with Christmas cookies and eggnog in the days leading up to no-longer-2011. Instead, I had planned to debauch all I[Read More…]

The chaos, it seems, has passed

Last semester I remember walking by countless campus tours, the huddled crowds of eager high schoolers and their skeptical but silent parents, and thinking to myself, “God, they came to visit at the wrong campus.” Considering that one of the main concerns of protesters last fall was the lack of[Read More…]

Has McGill apparel gone too far?

On any given day at McGill you can spy an endless range of labels, prints, textures, trends, and styles, giving this campus an eclectic but trendy appearance.  You would expect, or at least hope, that McGill apparel would uphold our campus’ fashionable reputation. However, as I have learned over the[Read More…]

Tasty Tex-Mex black bean burger When I became a vegetarian, one thing I missed was eating hamburgers. There’s nothing quite the same as biting into a hearty burger to satisfy your hunger. That’s why I was thrilled to learn how to make my own bean burgers. Rich in protein and fibre as well as[Read More…]

McGill’s Shortest Course: Premiers 101

Canadian premiers are like janitors: you’re not always sure how they got into the building, or how long exactly they will stay. Yet unlike janitors, our provincial leaders get six-figure salaries and don’t always leave the place clean. In Canada’s federal system they wield a fair amount of power, and[Read More…]

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