Author: Matt Essert

How to rear children

You might think it’s a bit early to start thinking about rearing children, but it’s not. Kids are everywhere and need to be dealt with in the right way. If you make a mistake raising a child, you are effectively giving the middle finger to the future, and that’s just[Read More…]

Monika Fabian – VP Clubs & Services

Why is it important that the VP clubs and services be an elected position and not something like the interest group coordinator, who is an appointed administrator? When you’re hired as IGC you kind of already have an idea of what you’re supposed to be doing and you fulfill a[Read More…]

Carol Fraser – VP Clubs & Services

What do you think the VP clubs and services relationship should be towards independent student groups that aren’t clubs or services, such as QPIRG? The way I see it is that campus is a place for intellectual growth and intellectual discussion and groups like QPIRG or campus publications. Even though[Read More…]

Stefan Prokopetz

Please note that Stefan Zuba Prokopetz has received a sanction for putting up unapproved posters. The position of VP Finance & Operations requires an analytical individual with a unique and diverse set of financial, accounting, and strategizing skills, coupled with strong motivation and exceptional organization. If elected, I plan on[Read More…]

Natalie Talmi

Hey McGill! My priority as your VP Internal is maintaining student independence. My goal is to encourage more involvement from the McGill community at large. I am passionate about integrating clubs and organizations into the planning process. Why not have Midnight Kitchen cater events? Or the Film Society help organize[Read More…]

Christina Sfeir

I’m Christina Sfeir. I have experience in organizing the majority of SSMU events that were held this year, specifically Faculty Olympics. My platform stands on four main goals. 1. The improvement of existing events. 2.Communication, for example, making Get Ready McGill a branded name. 3. Environmental initiatives, having a green[Read More…]

Todd Plummer

McGill needs a better sense of community. It is time for our events to cater to all students, to build rapport with university administration, and to foster a sense of McGill identity. Being AUS VP External has given me a broad range of experiences. As VP Internal, I will sponsor[Read More…]

Monika Fabian

Please note that Monika Fabian has been sanctioned for sending unsolicited emails to seek endorsements from campus groups.  It’s important for our students to have opportunities for involvement outside the classroom.  Monika Fabian has strong background experience in ensuring that these opportunities continue to be bountiful and accessible within the SSMU.  She has[Read More…]

Carol Fraser

Please note that Carol Fraser has been sanctioned for putting up unapproved campaign posters.  I’m Carol Fraser, and I’m running for VP Clubs and Services because I’m passionate about student life and student-run initiatives. As VP I’d improve Midnight Kitchen’s new 302 space, foster the development of community-building clubs and[Read More…]

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