Finding more effective drugs that target certain aggressive forms of breast cancer first requires a deeper understanding of the disease’s progression mechanisms. The need for increased insight into the mitigation of breast cancer growth fueled a seven-year-long study at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC). Nathalie[Read More…]
Author: Athina Sitou
Does A.I. development need more doomerism?
In the blink of an eye, artificial intelligence (A.I.) has been incorporated into nearly every aspect of our lives. From education to grocery shopping to music––there is no escaping it. Following the roll out of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, the quantity of publicly available A.I. technologies exploded, leaving a chasm of unregulated[Read More…]
Know Your Coach: Kris Joseph
After a disappointing season for Redbirds basketball last year, McGill Athletics brought in reinforcements through the hire of former National Basketball Association (NBA) player Kris Joseph as the associate coach and recruiting contact. He will be the lead assistant coach of the team. In an interview with The Tribune, Joseph[Read More…]
SSMU BoD vote to fill VP Finance position temporarily
The Student’s Society of McGill University (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) gathered for their first meeting of the fall semester on Sept. 7. During the public session, they voted to elect Vice President (VP) External Liam Gaither to take over the VP Finance’s voting power. The responsibilities attached to the[Read More…]
PGSS says Bill 96 costs the society $7,000 per month, seeks monetary compensation
The Post-Graduate Students’ Society (PGSS) gathered for its first council meeting of the Fall 2023 semester on Sept. 6. Led by speaker Nora Delahaye, the hybrid session’s agenda included teaching assistants’ (TA) rights and Bill 96. The meeting began with a presentation from Kiersten van Vliet, a representative from the[Read More…]
Tribune explains: Unions and associations at McGill
McGill employs over 12,500 staff across its two campuses. There are fourteen unions and two associations that represent, support, and advocate for part- and full-time, academic and non-academic employees of the university. What are unions and associations? Unions bring workers together to hear their concerns and advocate for better working[Read More…]
Spotted: McGill reveals our imperfections and greatness
Content Warning: Mentions of sex Have you noticed your Instagram feed filling up with your fellow students’ intimate, hilarious, disgusting, and bizarre confessions? For those who follow the account Spotted: McGill, the answer is yes. The popular page allows students to anonymously confess whatever they wish to the public via[Read More…]
What we liked this summer break!
The summer season may be cooling down, but The Tribune’s Arts & Entertainment (A&E) section is heating up! Here is a breakdown of what the A&E enjoyed over summer break. Joanna Newsom: The Milk-Eyed Mender (2004) By: Annabella Lawlor, Contributor In her first studio album, The Milk-Eyed Mender, Joanna Newsom[Read More…]
Asbestos in Canada: A forgotten killer remains at large
Once touted as Canada’s ‘white gold’. Now it’s banned—but its legacy lingers. Experts believe asbestos exposures still kill thousands each year
Hearing queers through new ears
I was not a podcast person until the world came to a halt. But upon frenzied shutdowns, curfews, and public health measures, I turned to the auditory for its unique pleasures. Walking in my suburban Ontarian neighbourhood, I could tune in to the experiences I had not grasped as an[Read More…]