
WebCT quotation of the week

Subject: Research Project: TA will answer questions here Author: Student I’ve sent text messages longer than this effing essay.

Hipsters aren’t hipsters

Nowadays, it seems that when a subculture springs up it’s given a name before a proper definition. Remember the word “emo?” All of a sudden there was an umbrella term for a group made up of wildly different characteristics: Dashboard Confessional fans lumped in with The Cure fans, people who[Read More…]

Letter to the Editor

First of all, thank you for the support you’ve shown the Architecture Cafe. It is greatly appreciated, as information is what really empowers students on campus. However, I am writing concerning last week’s article: “Architecture Café shut down by McGill.” I am sure that the subject had been researched prior[Read More…]

Overheard @ SSMU

In anticipation of the new school year, the Tribune sat down with SSMU’s executives to see what they accomplished over the summer and what big items are on their plate for the coming year. Our photographers, meanwhile, asked them to physically demonstrate their eagerness to spend long hours at their[Read More…]

J-Board dismisses petition against Newburgh

In a June 24 decision, the Students’ Society Judicial Board dismissed the petition put forward by the McGill chapter of Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights against Zach Newburgh, the former speaker of SSMU Council. In the factum submitted last March, SPHR claimed that as chair of last winter’s General Assembly,[Read More…]

Library Reviews: Episode 4 – Redpath Redpath isn’t so much a library as a hallway with some desks set up in it. The main study space in Redpath lies in the high-traffic connection between McLennan and the  cafeteria/Cybertheque. The library houses some of the more technology-based parts of the library system, such as computer labs,[Read More…]

Library Reviews: Episode 3 – Cybertheque   Cybertheque (correctly pronounced Si-Ber-THECK) is one of the newer additions to the McGill library system. Below Redpath, the library is adjacent to the Redpath-Leacock tunnel. It’s best known for its vibrant colours, group study areas, electronic resources, and overuse of glass in its design. As far as I[Read More…]

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