Author: Jasjot Grewal

The rosebuds and thorns of McGill’s campus gardens

Students often stroll past the little pockets of greenery peppering McGill’s campuses without a second glance, but there is more to these urban gardens than meets the eye. The umbrella term “urban garden”—which falls under the terms  urban horticulture or urban agriculture—encompasses a variety of different gardening techniques, including container[Read More…]

In Defense of the Cinema: why your local movie theatre matters more than ever

Sparks have been flying in the film industry lately—but not in the romantic sense. Since May 2, thousands of screenwriters across the United States, represented by the Writers Guild of America (WGA), have declared a strike against major studios and streaming platforms. The issue on the table? What they describe[Read More…]

Mohawk Mothers reach settlement agreement with McGill to search for potential graves at New Vic site

Content Warning: Mentions of psychological and physical abuse The Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) appeared in the Superior Court of Quebec on April 20 for a case management hearing about their recent settlement agreement with McGill. The hearing concluded a years-long legal battle over searching for potential unmarked Indigenous graves on[Read More…]

McGill Science Writing Initiative pushes students to share their knowledge accessibly

On April 9, the McGill Science Writing Initiative (MSWI) announced the winner of their third annual Case Competition. For this competition, McGill undergraduate students presented their projects in a variety of formats, including children’s books, podcasts, and literature reviews. Five teams made it to the final round of the competition,[Read More…]

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