As an Ontario student, I have no special love for the preferential rates Quebec gives its students. But if Quebec gives its students a bargain, my resentment is as much towards Ontario for not doing the same for me. In that light, I cannot support a tuition hike. Raising Quebec rates—even to parity with the rest of the country—is a big move, and one that seems far too easy of a solution for a problem tied to issues far beyond university education.
Author: Mookie Kideckel
AUS Frosh spends more than it earns
Arts Frosh spent more money than it brought in this year, dipping into the red after the number of freshmen who signed up failed to meet the Arts Undergraduate Society’s expectations.
The AUS has not yet released any estimates for how much it lost on Frosh this year. AUS Vice-President Finance Majd Al Khaldi is set to release an exact figure at AUS Council on September 23.
Administration proposes major changes for Athletics Board
The McGill Athletics Board could be facing major changes in the upcoming weeks. A new Terms of Reference agreement drafted over the summer proposed to turn the Athletics Board into an “advisory board” and could dramatically alter the accountability structure of the athletics budgetary approval process.
POP RHETORIC: Outlive, Outplay, Outlast
Thailand. Guatemala. Panama. Fiji. Micronesia. The list goes on. Any television show filmed in these places is automatically cool in my books. Of course I’m talking about Survivor, the best show on television. I usually get the same reaction when I talk about the show; “You still watch that?” Or eve; “That’s still on?” Yes, Survivor is still on and I still watch it.
DISSENT: Province Should Explore Other Possibilities First
As an Ontario student, I have no special love for the preferential rates Quebec gives its students. But if Quebec gives its students a bargain, my resentment is as much towards Ontario for not doing the same for me. In that light, I cannot support a tuition hike.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Tone of the Trib Editorial
If the Tribune’s editors had a point in last week’s editorial, entitled “Tribal Frosh and the tone of campus debate”, it was certainly lost on me-and surely most other smart McGillians-when it plunged into an utterly juvenile lambasting of the, so -called, “anti-MUS campaign” (sic).
McGill Name No Longer to be Used by Certain Clubs
Student-run clubs at the university with the word “McGill” in their names have faced increasing difficulties this academic year after fears of liability issues arose within the administration. When the McGill name is used in a club title, the administration has argued, it implies that the university-and not the students who run the club-are providing the service.
EDITORIAL: Raising Quebec tuition – the least bad option
Last week, McGill Principal Heather Munroe-Blum travelled to Quebec City to report to the provincial government on the ups and downs the university has faced in the past three years. In her speech, Munroe-Blum repeated many of the standard talking points: she touted the university’s research, emphasized McGill’s international stature, and cheered the university’s intellectual contributions to Quebec.
The mojito, a traditional Cuban cocktail, is not only one of the most refreshing drinks I’ve ever tried, but also one of the most versatile. The simple ingredients in the traditional version-rum, sugar, lime, soda, and mint-make it an excellent canvass for adding any variety of flavours.
COMMENTARY: Equity and Social Justice on Campus
As the Students’ Society of McGill University’s Equity Commissioner, I will undertake multiple roles this year in order to fulfill my mandate as a resource person for students on their rights and responsibilities under SSMU’s equity policy. This document aims to “create a safe, discrimination-free environment.