
Sexy Stats: the science of love

Ladies, be coquettish and coy and play hard-to-get. Men, wait three days before calling. From Sex and the City to Seinfeld to Swingers, people today are bombarded by rules as to what to do, how to do it, and when to do it when it comes to dating, that game we all love to hate.

Ain’t nothin’ but a P Thang – “You have mail” and other horror stories

My mother always told me that “hate” was a very strong word. And I agree. Today, I no longer hate liver, I just intensely dislike it. I no longer hate my life; I only wish it were different. Completely different. Heck, I no longer hate Graham Jacobs, though I wish I could smash his conceited little face into a billion pieces and then send the smithereens to that new skank he’s dating.

Psst… guess who likes you?!?

Too shy to talk to that hottie in Poli Sci? Curious about the exciting world of anal beads? Need a course that won’t bring your GPA down two points? And, while we’re at it, who was the handsome stranger at the bar and what’s his story? Fret not my wretched friend, for the creators of McGillGossip.

FEATURES: Of plants and patents

Monsanto Canada Inc. will go to court on January 15 to settle a case with four farmers who allegedly illegally grew, harvested, and sold products developed from patented Monsanto seeds. The McGill Tribune contacted the farmers involved, but none were willing to comment before they go to court.

SILHOUETTE: Career hook-ups

Currently, there is a demand for McGill grads from companies in financial market hotspots overseas, and the McGill Financial Ambassadors (MFA) have answered. Clovis Couasnon, U3 finance and mathematics, and Amine Larhrib, U3 finance and accounting, co-founders of the MFA, started the club as a way through which students could make contacts to ensure future job opportunities.

Tribune Dating Xtravaganza

With all the lonely hearts grumbling about the impending onslaught of sickly sweet Valentine’s schmaltz, ponder this: is romance dead? Before the Valentine’s Grinch that dwells in the recesses of your soul comes out and grabs the nearest bottle of liquor, rest assured that you’re not alone; the dating situation at McGill is more dire than delicious for many…

The Tribune’s guide to a summer in Montreal

Breakfast True espresso aficionados should head to Caffe in Gamba in the Plateau. Combined with plush seating and decadent pastries, their freshly brewed espresso drinks are the best in Montreal. Eggspectation and Chez Cora – both Canadian chains – offer crepes, pancakes, and waffles piled high with fruit for reasonable prices.

Wet hot Canadian summer: A guide to Montreal May-August

Whether you’re a visiting student, taking a May course, or a Montreal native, summer is the best time to tour Montreal. It’s easy to get trapped in the McGill bubble during the school year, but use the warm weather as a chance to explore the city. From festivals to cuisine, we present your summer guide to one of Canada’s most diverse and exciting cities.

Women helping women

In 2011, Winnipeg is planning to open Manitoba’s first birthing centre, where mothers can give birth in a less clinical atmosphere with the assistance of midwives, nurses, and doulas. While it’s a step forward for natural births in the province, midwifery and natural births are still the minority among birthing practices in Canada.

Make your own meatball sub

Meatball subs are the quintessential Italian-American dish – a pizza, burger, and a pasta hybrid. They have all the flavors you could ask for in a meal, and they are hearty and filling. Making your own is simple, fun, and will certainly leave you satisfied (or wanting more).

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