The gut microbiome has attracted a slew of research interest, leading to the discovery that a poor gut microbiome can cause various diseases, including Type 2 diabetes and cancer. More recent research has delved further into the negative health outcomes associated with a poor gut microbiome while proposing strategies to[Read More…]
Author: K. Coco Zhang
Know Your Athlete: William Rouleau
As a kid, William Rouleau was always a fan of sports. His natural athleticism made things easy: Golf, tennis, baseball. Whatever sport he was put into, Rouleau excelled––except for hockey. “I first got into hockey when I was about three, four years old,” Rouleau told The McGill Tribune. “Wasn’t the[Read More…]
McGill’s hidden campus
You walk out of class, belaboured and exhausted, and attempt to find someplace to study or hang out. You jump from Redpath to McLennan, soon to realize that all of your options are either overcrowded, noisy, or not to your liking. Are you in desperate need of a calm, isolated[Read More…]
BtS of BdA
If you happen to be located within a kilometre of the Leacock basement on a Thursday evening, then surely, you’ve grown accustomed to the faint smell of beer and the distant sound of a 2000s hit blaring from the speakers. If you’ve even so much as wandered down the stairs[Read More…]
Constellations of responsibility
Among lush Amazonian flora in Oriente, the eastern region of Ecuador, pits of viscous, black oil dot the landscape. Iridescent streams infiltrate the rainforest. Aerial shots of unobstructed canopy cover are starkly contrasted with footage of large oil rigs set up in the forest. A few frames follow before the[Read More…]
Why Montreal stands out above the rest
As a Torontonian, I, like many, have always recognized Montreal as better than our own city. The ability to legally drink fresh out of high school in such an artsy city was just one of the many reasons McGill was number one on my list. While oftentimes I do yearn[Read More…]
Your guide to student elections
Election season always creeps up sooner than you expect it to. Throughout April, clubs, services, and offices all over campus are recruiting new executives, and students are thrown into the frenzy of student election season. Bulletin boards fill with posters, Instagram stories become base camp for campaigns, and CVs everywhere[Read More…]
Paper straw–infused beverages might become norm amid single-use plastics ban
At Bar des Arts (BdA), students are encouraged to bring their own reusable cups or buy old Frosh ones to avoid single-use plastic. But BdA manager Sam Baron estimates that the student bar goes through approximately 50 plastic cups every Thursday. As of March 28, however, a Montreal municipal by-law[Read More…]
Along Party Lines: Communist Party of Canada launches new campaign to slash living costs, raise wages in Quebec
On the night of April 1, the Communist Party of Canada (CPC) held a meeting in Montreal to kickstart a campaign against unaffordable living costs at the Greek Workers’ Association of Quebec. Before the meeting, The McGill Tribune sat down with Liz Rowley, leader of the CPC, to learn more[Read More…]
TikTok is an institution, and we are its humble students
It’s 1:00 p.m., and I’ve settled comfortably on my couch after a harrowing day of class. With last night’s leftovers in hand, I pull out my favourite entertainment receptacle––the iPhone––and begin a tricky balancing act, placing the bowl between my legs, a fork in one hand and my phone in[Read More…]