Dear Diary, Over the winter break, I was called a hipster for wearing a high-waisted skirt and glasses and then found out that Joey Jeremiah only asked me out as a joke and I totally fell for it. I was so embarrassed!! I just wanted to DIE. My life is so sucky.
Author: Zoe Daniels
McGill students awarded green project funding
Two McGill undergraduate students received a total of $8,500 in funding for sustainability projects last week after applying for the funds at a sustainability conference in September. Amélie Marsolais-Ricard and Jonathan Glencross were among 180 Canadian university students who attended Impact!: The Co-operators Youth Conference for Sustainability Leadership in Guelph, Ont.
Eight candidates vie for two spots in SSMU C&S Rep election
Two Students’ Society clubs and services representatives vacated their positions last semester, necessitating an election, to be held this Wednesday, to fill the positions. One representative from each full-status club, service, or publication can cast a ballot on Wednesday, though anyone can ask questions or participate in the debate to be held before the vote.
Martlet Miracle: Gabrielle Smith rebounds from traumatic accident
Almost everyone who gets run over by an 18-wheel truck is either dead or severely injured and not able to walk for a long time. Every doctor and nurse I saw was floored by the fact that I’m doing as well as I am. Gabrielle Smith waited four years for the chance to be the starting goaltender for the McGill Martlets women’s hockey team.
Your January entertainment guide
Hollerado (January 16) December was a busy month for Canadian rockers Hollerado. After winning the $250,000 grand prize in Ottawa’s Live 88.5 “Big Money Shot,” the foursome went on tour in China. This month sees them playing the Gala at La Sala Benefit Concert for CMETrust, along with TONSTARTSSBANDHT, The Pop Winds, and Homosexual Cops.
Third man in: Rooting for Rex
In the world of professional sports, it’s easy to find athletes whose behaviour is unpredictable, bizarre, or downright obnoxious. In the NBA, MLB, and NFL, it is commonplace to witness multimillionaire athletes doing and saying outrageous things. It’s a little more challenging to find that same type of individual in the professional coaching ranks.
Going green
Conserve water. Leaving the tap running while brushing your teeth uses about five gallons of water, while every toilet flush uses about six and a half. Don’t leave the water running when brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing dishes, and store water in the refrigerator rather than letting the tap run every time you want a cool drink.
Sex, drugs, and exercise
Resolutions come every New Year’s, and be it losing weight, the latest diet, or just plain eating healthy, many people hope to look leaner by the year’s end. With one third of Canadians being obese, becoming healthier is an admirable resolution. Unfortunately, while many plan to skip the freezer section and throw out the take out menus, most of these resolutions will wane with Valentine’s Day chocolate.
CD REVIEWS: Final Fantasy: Heartland
Heartland is the third and final studio album from renowned Toronto multi-instrumentalist Final Fantasy. Well, not exactly. The band, or rather project, primarily consisting of Owen Pallet (though percussionist Leon Taheny has received credit as well) is retiring its current name – which is conspicuously shared by a videogame franchise – and opting instead for the moniker “Owen Pallet” from now on.
The only Irish coffee you’ll ever need
Irish coffee combines two of life’s greatest joys – caffeine and booze – in one convenient glass. The recipe below uses Jameson whiskey both because it’s delicious and tastes slightly sweet, which compliments the coffee very nicely. There are variations of this drink that include Bailey’s, crème de menthe, spices, decorative coffee beans, and lighting things on fire at strategic moments.