Author: Sofia Vidinovski

Canadian democracy depends on investment in Black political representation

Following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s resignation announcement last month, he leaves behind a 10-year-long legacy of landmark initiatives founded in his majority Liberal government, including the establishment of the Parliamentary Black Caucus (PBC) and the Liberal Black Caucus (LBC). The past decade has been shaped by both progress and challenges[Read More…]

AUTS’ ‘Company’—is marriage “till death do us part” or “death please do us part?” 

Ah, romance of the 21st century: Dates have been replaced by “chill sessions,” careful affections have been eclipsed by convenient and meaningless interactions, and the world spins backwards on its axis. But is it really that simple? Has a general pandemic of apathy infected us, or is there something deeper[Read More…]

Black Women’s Entrepreneurship event discusses the road to an inclusive entrepreneurship ecosystem

On Feb. 4, McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management organized a panel discussion titled Black Women’s Entrepreneurship: Research vs. Reality. The event’s discussion tackled a striking statistic: Only two per cent of Canadian businesses are Black-owned, and fewer than 30 per cent of these are led by women.  Bringing together prominent[Read More…]

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