The 35th semesterly Soup & Science was one for the books, with top-notch student and professor research presentations accompanied by delectable soup. The McGill Tribune brings you the presentations we liked best for a little taste of the event. Improving mRNA resilience by combining it with other molecules U4 chemistry[Read More…]
Author: Ali Baghirov, Atticus O'Rourke Rusin, Russel Ismael, Ella Paulin
Preserving life, drop by drop
On March 6 and 7, McGill’s on-campus blood drive provided students with a productive activity between classes: Donating blood. The drive was brought to students through a collaboration between the McGill Students’ Blood Donation Association (MSBDA), the Medicine, Education, and Development for Low-Income Families Everywhere (MEDLIFE), the Medical Students’ Society[Read More…]
Students condemn inaccessible food prices during Let’s Eat McGill assembly
Content warning: Mention of disordered eating Students filed into Arts W-215 on the evening of March 7 for an assembly on the food insecurity crisis at McGill hosted by the new campaign Let’s Eat McGill. All seats were full by the time the presentation began, which was rife with photos[Read More…]
Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera speak at McGill while university attempts to lift New Vic injunction
In honour of International Women’s Day, the Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) participated in a roundtable discussion hosted by the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) on March 8. The talk, chaired by Nancy R. Tapias Torrado, a human rights lawyer and visiting fellow at McGill’s Centre for Human Rights and[Read More…]
Accounting for oneself and others
In my first year at McGill, my academic naiveté made me anxious and self-centred. I was convinced that good writing was a product of genius forged in solitude. When tasked with an essay, a tinge of shame came in reiterating the ideas of other scholars and writers. Citation in those[Read More…]
SSMU spends $1,500 on incoming executives’ PR training, hires publicist
In May 2022, the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)’s Legislative Council passed the Motion Regarding the Adoption of a Media and Transparency Plan. The motion mandated that the Society hire a public relations (PR) advisor by May 2023 to increase transparency and provide media training for SSMU staff. According[Read More…]
McGill exoplanet specialist recognized for outstanding work in astrophysics
Last month, the Astronomical Society of India awarded McGill physics professor Eve Lee the 2022 Vainu Bappu Gold Medal for her work in astrophysics. The award honours young astronomers—typically under 35—for their exceptional achievements and potential. Lee’s work focuses on exoplanets, which are planets that orbit around other stars in[Read More…]
McGill bans TikTok on all university-owned devices citing cybersecurity concerns
In accordance with a provincial directive issued on Feb. 27, McGill has banned the use of TikTok on all university-owned devices, including smartphones and tablets for which McGill covers the cost of the mobile service. This decision stems from a federal ban that also prohibits the use of the app[Read More…]
A sports defibrillator: Is Full Swing golf’s savior?
Drive to Survive, Netflix’s heavily dramatized Formula 1 series, brought millions of viewers to the sport and reversed its slow, decade-long decline in popularity. With the release of its sister show, Full Swing, on Feb. 15, fans are wondering if the media conglomerate can work its viewership magic once again—this[Read More…]
Sorry Canadiens fans––the Bruins are poised to take the cup
This might offend some Habs fans, but let’s be honest, the Bruins rock. Sitting at the top of the power rankings with 105 points and having played fewer games than many of their division opponents, the Bruins have dominated the NHL 2022-23 season—they could be coming for the Habs’ all-time[Read More…]