Author: Dima Kiwan

Along Party Lines: Quebec’s major parties on Indigenous issues and separatism

Content Warning: mentions of residential schools, racism, and abuse Ahead of Quebec provincial elections on Oct. 3, The McGill Tribune looked into each major political party’s stance on the issues of Quebec nationalism and Indigenous relations.  Pressing Indigenous issues in Quebec today In June 2021, the National Assembly of Quebec[Read More…]

‘Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space’ is a heart-warming, intergalactic delight

Think of the adorable character design of Kiki’s Delivery Service, the magical hero transformations of Sailor Moon, off-beat comedic dialogue, and intergalactic space fighting. At first glance, these features may appear to be an unlikely combination. Unifying these features into one season of television might seem ill-advised, if not impossible.[Read More…]

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