International students holding an executive position in the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) face significant challenges due to conflicting credit requirements imposed by Quebec immigration laws and the SSMU constitution. To contend with their 40 to 70 hour weekly workload, SSMU requires executives to drop to part-time status, enrolling[Read More…]
Author: Juliet Morrison
Redefining the I’s in Identity
The first year of university is a major transition for all students. For me, the biggest change was not just moving across the country, but additionally learning to adapt to a completely different environment, both culturally and socially. Culturally, as I grew up as a Taiwanese immigrant in a small,[Read More…]
Finding self-love as an exiled love poet
For Ancient Romans, “following your heart” rarely resulted in finding true love—more often than not, it ended in untimely death, being transformed into a tree, or thousands of years of exile. According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the 2022 edition of the McGill Classics Play, love is to blame for the many[Read More…]
Ask Ainsley: How should I handle rejection?
Dear Ainsley, It’s been a rough couple of weeks for me. I’ve sent out over 20 summer job applications, got two interviews, and no offers. I’m entering my final year next year and am worried that I’ll be unprepared to enter the workforce without professional experience. Plus, though I know[Read More…]
Graduating students look back at their time at McGill–and forward, too
As the Winter semester comes to a close, the class of 2022 is getting ready to graduate. Some will take a gap year to travel or to work, whilst others may be heading to graduate school. The options are endless—but what’s certain is that graduation marks both the end of[Read More…]
‘Atlanta’ season three is chaotic in the best way
Warning: Spoilers ahead The third season of Atlanta may very well be its best. Picking up from its season two finale nearly four years ago, Atlanta leaves behind its titular setting for Europe, just as it does with its old rules for fresh fury. Donald Glover, the show’s creator, showrunner,[Read More…]
Tribune Explains: McGill’s Office of First Nations and Inuit Education
McGill’s Office for First Nation and Inuit Education (OFNIE), nested under the Department of Integrated Studies in Education and part of the university’s Faculty of Education, has been in operation since 1975. In the decades since its inception, the office has amassed partnerships with five different Indigenous education organizations across[Read More…]
Tannic acid might help develop a drug to treat COVID-19
Although most of us would like to forget about the pandemic as Canada eases its restrictions yet again, the threat of COVID-19 overwhelming the health-care system is still present as the country enters a sixth wave. A team of researchers from McGill, Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), Université[Read More…]
SSMU BoD meeting dominated by discussions about McGill Palestine Solidarity Policy MRO
The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) Board of Directors (BoD) convened on March 31 with all directors present except vice-president (VP) Student Affairs Claire Downie. Downie had submitted her notice of resignation to the SSMU leadership and campus media outlets earlier in the day, explaining that her resignation was[Read More…]
Tried and true hangover cures
The end of the semester is fast approaching, and with that, an influx of graduation parties and end-of-year get-togethers await you. Don’t get too ahead of yourself though: Finals are also right around the corner, so you can’t slack off just yet. Excessive drinking and hangover symptoms can ruin that[Read More…]