Author: Amelia H. Clark

Trans students report increased barriers to Hormone Replacement Therapy access at Student Wellness Hub

Some students are reporting increased difficulties accessing gender-affirming care following the temporary leave of Hashana Perera, reportedly the only doctor at the Student Wellness Hub (SWH) willing to prescribe Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). For some, this has called into question the ability for the SWH to provide specialized resources for[Read More…]

How to do the ‘To-Dos’

Every year we hear the same thing: “Start off the new year right by making a list of all the things you wish to accomplish during the coming 12 months!” And every year, that’s what we—at least I—do. For the past three years, my New Year’s “resolutions” or “goals” list[Read More…]

McGill does not contest the latest faculty union certification: A shift or merely an exception?

On Dec. 31, the Tribunal administratif du travail certified the Association of McGill Academic Staff of the School of Continuing Studies (AMASCS) as McGill’s fourth faculty union. AMASCS is the first instance of faculty unionization that McGill did not contest in court—a pivotal moment for the unions, who have faced[Read More…]

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