Author: Madison McLauchlan, Skylar Armstrong

Open researching, publishing, and access on the table at McGill Library’s Open Access Week 2021

The McGill Library is bringing International Open Access (OA) Week 2021 to the university’s scholarly community from Oct. 25 to Oct. 31. This year’s theme is “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.” The planning committee members, such as librarians Jessica Lange, Michael David Miller, Lucy Kiester, and[Read More…]

RSN hosts debate on individual versus systemic climate action

On Oct. 19, McGill’s Research and Sustainability Network (RSN) held a virtual debate on the topic of individual versus systemic solutions to the climate crisis. The event featured three McGill professors who research environmental sustainability in their respective fields: Sanjith Gopalakrishnan, assistant professor of operations management in the Desautels Faculty[Read More…]

Quebec’s hospital vaccine mandate deadline extensions highlight a crumbling health care system

Quebec recently extended its deadline for the mandatory vaccination of all health care workers until Nov. 15. Additionally, the province announced that all people over the age of 13 would need to show proof of vaccination or their vaccine passport before entering health care facilities for non-essential reasons, such as[Read More…]

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